Boosting Efficiency: A Guide to Improving Your Material Handling

In the fast-paced world of fabrication, engineering, and steel distribution, every minute counts. The pressure to meet customer demands, reduce lead times, and stay competitive is real – we get it.

Your key to success often lies in the efficient handling of materials (moving steel from place A to B), which is a factor that can significantly impact your production output and, in turn, your bottom line.

And when you consider that material handling on average accounts for approximately 30% of total operating costs in manufacturing facilities? You’ve got to get it right. That's where implementing a roller conveyor system can make all the difference.

Understanding the Challenge

So naturally you’re asking the question, "How do I increase my efficiency with material handling?" If you’re a supervisor or operations manager, then you’re probably time-poor and you need to find ways to boost production.

The first thing you need to know is that often, the biggest overlooked efficiency loss in a factory comes from basic material handling. You can (perhaps without realising) spend a lot of time moving steel and not that much time cutting. This means that your goal is a simple one: cut down the time required to move things. And while this can be achieved in different ways, effective material handling systems are often an excellent method of doing this.

Here's an example of what I’m getting at. Recently, a customer of ours realised they were spending up to 15 minutes moving material into the saw, even though the cutting process itself took only 2 minutes.

The obvious answer to this situation is to cut the handling time. As a general guide, we say that if your handling time is more than double your cutting time (a ratio of 2:1), you may have an opportunity to further reduce your material handling time.

The Role of Powered Rollers

One of the game-changers in material handling efficiency is powered roller tables.

These systems allow you to load material onto a saw quickly and safely, all while keeping the saw operating. Once the material is cut, you can swiftly move it out of the way for the next cut, without the need to leave the saw.

The result? Up to a 60% reduction in time.

The Power of Length Stops

The next step up is Length Stops.

In a nutshell, a length stop is an automated tape measure, accurate to the millimetre (no 100mm tricks here). No more double-checking or triple-checking lengths with a tape measure. You can effortlessly set up and cut multiple different lengths without leaving your saw or dealing with manual stops.

That said, if you already have an existing hitch feed system, you might not need a length stop.

Loading Systems: A Game-Changer

If you're looking to take your material handling to the next level again, then you should also consider a loading and unloading system.

These systems allow you to load multiple lengths of material at once, potentially handling half a day's worth of cutting in just 20 minutes, and they do not require the constant operation of a crane or forklift.

The offloading system simplifies the bundling of multiple finished lengths for efficient unloading, reducing reliance on forklifts and cranes.

The Overlooked Safety Factor

There’s another thing that you should be aware of – improving your efficiency in this way will inadvertently increase your safety. That’s because with a fully automated system, the entire material handling process can be executed without human intervention. This means no more exposure to hazardous jamming points or potential accidents.

Even if you’re not looking at material handling because of improved safety, it’s a good bonus.

Taking Action

So, what can you do right now to assess if these systems can help you?

It's simple. All you need to do is conduct a time trial. Stand up on the balcony and watch your saw operator load and unload the steel. If it takes more than twice as long to load as it does to cut or process, you have a significant opportunity to enhance your production efficiency.

Long story short, the search for improved material handling efficiency is all about saving time, enhancing safety, and ultimately, achieving greater customer satisfaction and a competitive edge. If you’re prepared to embrace powered rollers, length stops, and loading systems, you can unlock the true potential of your workshop.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your specific needs, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help you streamline your material handling processes and boost the efficiency of your operations.

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